Thursday, April 12, 2012

By Caroline Moore

"Micky and Mark have been the primary organizers for this trip and they found a wonderful tour guide for our time in Cairo. His name is Ahmed Seddik and he is the most delightful, smart and funny person you can imagine. He loves languages and speaks incredible English. He talked continuously without notes of any kind during our tours of the temples at Saqqara, the Pyramids and tombs in Giza, Islamic Cairo, and the City of the Dead--not just providing fascinating and encyclopedic information, both historic and modern, but peppering his monologue with puns and alliteration. The Giza tour culminated with camel rides from the pyramids to the Sphinx at sunset."

Caroline Moore

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

By Bill Barazzuol

"Ahmed's pedagogical skills and talents are superb. His sharp wit and warm humor, coupled with his linguistic
brilliance, inspire and promote vast learning to take place in a short time. He seems to carry in his head
all 18 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary and the meaning and derivation of a vast corpus of Arabic
vocabulary. His facility with language, coupled with his powerful oration while lecturing, make him a superior teacher." Bill Barazzuol

By John Solomon

"Ahmed's expertise in Arabic in particular could be described as nothing short of masterful. He has committed to memory volumes upon volumes of the great Arabic grammarians such as Ibn Malik and his work of one thousand lines "The Alfia". What's more, Ahmed is able to distill these complicated rules of grammar into a clear, logical, and easily understood system of mnemonics, enabling any non-native speaker to acquire this difficult language in the shortest time possible." John Solomon